InvokeAI: Configuration and performance - Steps
Go back to listIn the context of Stable Diffusion, the step setting refers to the number of diffusion steps the model takes to generate an image. Each step involves the model iteratively reducing the noise level in the image, gradually revealing the underlying image. The step setting determines the overall detail and fidelity of the generated image.
A higher step setting indicates that the model will take more steps to generate the image, resulting in a more detailed and realistic image. However, it also means that the generation process will take longer. Conversely, a lower step setting will produce a quicker image generation but may result in less detail and sharpness.
"configuration": {
"chart": {
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"title": {
"text": "seconds"
"plotOptions": {
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"name": "T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud p3.2xlarge.8",
"verbose": "T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud p3.2xlarge.8",
"data": [
"y": 3.019
"y": 3.9172
"y": 5.8415
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"y": 9.768
"y": 11.785
"y": 21.500999999999998
"y": 29.072499999999998
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"y": 40.854
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"hc_type": "chart",
"id": "330908579356131217064088939250183854299"
25 steps

50 steps

100 steps

150 steps

200 steps

250 steps

500 steps

700 steps

800 steps

900 steps

1000 steps