IONOS Compute benchmark - United States - Object Storage pricing
Go back to listObject storage pricing is defined by 3 main components:
- Storage: The amount of stored Gigabytes
- Traffic: Data pushed from the storage to the Internet
- Request: The price of each HTTP request per batch of 1000 of 10,000
The tool below allows to evaluate the total cost of a monthly Object Storage usage.
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"11258999068426240": null
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"161061273600": null,
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"5497558138880": null,
"10995116277760": null,
"16492674416640": null,
"54975581388800": 0.01766,
"109951162777600": null,
"494780232499200": null,
"549755813888000": null,
"1125899906842624": null,
"2251799813685248": null,
"5629499534213120": 0.01693,
"11258999068426240": null
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"2199023255552": null,
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"5497558138880": null,
"10995116277760": null,
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"11258999068426240": null
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"2199023255552": null,
"10995116277760": null,
"43980465111040": null,
"54975581388800": null,
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"1125899906842624": null,
"5629499534213120": null
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Cloud Mercato's observations
- About DigitalOcean Spaces:
- Spaces has a static monthly fee of $5 offering 250GB of storage and 1TB of traffic
- About Vultr's Object Storage:
- Vultr has a static monthly fee of $6 offering 1TB of storage and 1TB of traffic