Overview - Storage IOPS

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  • USD → EUR: 0.93

I/O Per Seconds is one of the most used value to evaluate the performance of a volume, raw SSD, magnetic or Block Storage. The average and maximum IOPS gives a good preview of what will be the speed of a database or any disk-intensive task.

To measure IOPS, we use the well known tool Flexible I/O Tester (FIO) the following configuration:

  • 4KB blocks
  • Random access
  • Read then Write
  • Direct access to device without filesystems
  • libaio engine

For the sizes we selected, a base line 3,000 IOPS but Google and Oracle perform at a higher level of 25,000 IOPS approaching the nowadays standard of NVMe.

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"flavor_price": 0.25, "volume_price": 0.054794520548, "storage_price": 0.054794520548, "iops_price": 0.0, "bw_price": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } ], "color": "#222222", "grouping": false }, { "name": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage", "data": [ { "x": 18, "y": 101.2903693617992, "perf": [ 7992.457142857143, 7565.096590909091 ], "price": 0.318493150685, "size": 500, "flavor_price": 0.25, "volume_price": 0.06849315068499999, "storage_price": 0.06849315068499999, "iops_price": 0.0, "bw_price": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } ], "color": "#222222", "grouping": false }, { "name": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage", "data": [ { "x": 19, "y": 77.54970506303255, "perf": [ 7682.802816901409, 6542.186046511628 ], "price": 0.38698630137, "size": 1000, "flavor_price": 0.25, "volume_price": 0.13698630136999998, "storage_price": 0.13698630136999998, "iops_price": 0.0, "bw_price": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } ], "color": "#222222", "grouping": false }, { "name": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage", "data": [ { "x": 20, "y": 73.3286419753014, "perf": [ 5007.0, 4835.05 ], "price": 0.277397260274, "size": 200, "flavor_price": 0.25, "volume_price": 0.027397260274, "storage_price": 0.027397260274, "iops_price": 0.0, "bw_price": 0.0, "currency": "USD" } ], "color": "#222222", "grouping": false }, { "name": " 8cores 16GB 100GB Standard root", "data": [ { "x": 21, "y": 1456.6002237911955, "perf": [ 107602.1, 12845.0 ], "price": 0.214469392, "size": 100, "flavor_price": 0.2, "volume_price": 0, "storage_price": 0, "iops_price": 0, "bw_price": 0, "currency": "USD" } ], "color": "#222222", "grouping": false } ], "drilldown": {}, "tooltip": { "enabled": true, "useHTML": true, "headerFormat": "", "pointFormat": "\n <span style=\"color:{series.color}\">{} {}</span>\n <table><tbody>\n <tr><th>Price/Perf:</th><td>{point.y:.2f}</td></tr>\n <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr></td></tr>\n <tr><th>Performance:</th><td>Read {point.perf.0:.2f} / Write {point.perf.1:.2f}</td></tr>\n <tr><th>Volume size:</th><td>{point.size} GB</td></tr>\n <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr></td></tr>\n <tr><th colspan=2\">Pricing:</th></tr>\n <tr><th>Storage</th><td>{point.storage_price:.4f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n <tr><th>IOPS</th><td>{point.iops_price:.4f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n <tr><th>Bandwidth</th><td>{point.bw_price:.4f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n <tr><th>Total volume</th><td>{point.volume_price:.2f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n <tr><th>Flavor</th><td>{point.flavor_price:.2f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n <tr><th>Total</th><td>{point.price:.2f} USD / hr</td></tr>\n </tbody></table>\n ", "footerFormat": "", "shared": false, "outside": false, "valueDecimals": null, "split": false }, "annotations": null }, "hc_type": "chart", "id": "197053555529072192673600680646582634154" }

Price date: 2024-04-01