State of the art of European Public Object Storage - Q2 2023

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Provider Name Category CPU RAM Extra volume
Google Cloud n2-highcpu-2 Intel Cascade Lake Compute optimized 2 2048
infomaniak a16-ram32-disk0 General Purpose 16 32768
IBM Cloud cx2-16x32 Compute optimized 16 34816
UpCloud 20xCPU-96GB General Purpose 20 98304 1920GB Root 20xCPU-96GB MaxIOPS
Fuga Cloud p2.16xlarge Compute optimized 24 22118 300GB SSD p2
IONOS Dedicated 12Core 64GB Intel Skylake Flexible 24 65536
Vultr 32CPU 64GB VOC-C 1000GB NVMe Compute optimized 32 65536 1000GB 32CPU 64GB VOC-C 1000GB NVMe root b1.128 General Purpose 32 131072 240GB b1.128 Root SSD
Microsoft Azure Standard_D32_v5 General Purpose 32 131072
leafcloud ec1.8xlarge Compute optimized 32 65536 20GB ec1.8xlarge Root SSD
T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud c4.8xlarge.2 General Purpose 32 65536
Orange Business c6.8xlarge.4 General Purpose 32 131072
Tencent Cloud C4.8XLARGE128 Compute optimized 32 131072
Alibaba Cloud ecs.c7.8xlarge Compute optimized 32 65536
CloudFerro eo2a.4xlarge General Purpose 32 131072 512GB eo2a.4xlarge Root SSD
Exoscale Mega Cpu Compute optimized 32 65536
OVHcloud B2-120 General Purpose 32 120000 400GB Root local SSD
Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.16-32 General Purpose 32 32768
Amazon Web Services m5n.8xlarge General Purpose 32 131072
Linode Linode 192GB General Purpose 32 196608 3840GB g6-standard-32 root
Google Cloud n2-highcpu-32 Intel Cascade Lake Compute optimized 32 32768
gridscale 32cores 64GB Flexible 32 65536
IBM Cloud cx2-32x64 Compute optimized 32 69632
UpCloud HICPU-32xCPU-64GB Compute optimized 32 65536 300GB Root HICPU-32xCPU-64GB MaxIOPS
infomaniak a32-ram64-disk0 General Purpose 32 65536