While hyperscalers all offer high hardware standard, the performance across identical machines appear to be pretty equal. Thus, the factor allowing us to differentiate the value of each product is the pricing.
This study clearly defines Oracle Cloud as a price breaker in the x86 VM segment, their E3.Flex series proposes costs up to 2.5x cheaper for equal compute performance.
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"x": 276.67,
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"x": 254.04,
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"base_price": 62.050000000000004,
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"Microsoft Azure"
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"name_2": 2,
"name_3": "Standard_F2s_v2"
"x": 123.37,
"y": 2220.848515685287,
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"Microsoft Azure"
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"name_0": "Microsoft Azure",
"name_1": "East US",
"name_2": 4,
"name_3": "Standard_F4s_v2"
"x": 246.74,
"y": 4308.40892162618,
"perf": 4308.40892162618,
"price": 246.74,
"base_price": 246.74,
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"name": [
"Microsoft Azure"
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"x": 494.21000000000004,
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"name": [
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"Oracle Cloud"
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"base_price": 22.63,
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"name": [
"Oracle Cloud"
"short_name": "Cloud",
"name_0": "Oracle Cloud",
"name_1": "eu-frankfurt-1",
"name_2": 2,
"name_3": "VM.Standard.E3.Flex.1-4"
"x": 45.26,
"y": 1932.9469612312992,
"perf": 1932.9469612312992,
"price": 45.26,
"base_price": 45.26,
"rate": 1.0,
"currency": "USD",
"name": [
"Oracle Cloud"
"short_name": "Cloud",
"name_0": "Oracle Cloud",
"name_1": "eu-frankfurt-1",
"name_2": 4,
"name_3": "VM.Standard.E3.Flex.2-8"
"x": 90.52,
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"perf": 4458.396906408237,
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"rate": 1.0,
"currency": "USD",
"name": [
"Oracle Cloud"
"short_name": "Cloud",
"name_0": "Oracle Cloud",
"name_1": "eu-frankfurt-1",
"name_2": 8,
"name_3": "VM.Standard.E3.Flex.4-16"
"x": 181.04,
"y": 7753.387825971685,
"perf": 7753.387825971685,
"price": 181.04,
"base_price": 181.04,
"rate": 1.0,
"currency": "USD",
"name": [
"Oracle Cloud"
"short_name": "Cloud",
"name_0": "Oracle Cloud",
"name_1": "eu-frankfurt-1",
"name_2": 16,
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Feel free to compare pricing with different billing options. Also, please notice that IBM reserved aren't the same kind neither location than their Gen 2 VPC, so advantageous yearly pricing isn't available for the selected service.
Outbound traffic
Again, Oracle is located on another scale of pricing. Hyperscalers are knew for their high traffic cost and we can see on the table below a common pattern around $0.08/GB/month after 10TB of traffic. At Oracle, firstly the traffic is free under this threshold, then they divide this price by 10 for $0.0085/GB.
First GB |
1GB |
1TB |
10TB |
100TB |
150TB |
Amazon Web Services |
Free |
0.09 |
- |
0.085 |
0.070 |
0.050 |
Google Cloud |
0.12 |
- |
0.11 |
0.08 |
- |
- |
IBM Cloud |
Free |
- |
- |
0.083 |
- |
- |
Microsoft Azure |
Free |
- |
- |
0.083 |
- |
0.05 |
Oracle Cloud |
Free |
- |
- |
0.0085 |
- |
- |
Block Storage
For SSD Block Storage, the market average price is around $0.10/GB/month, this is maybe related to AWS' GP2, one of the market model. The other hyperscalers apply a more expensive rate, except Oracle which cuts the Block storage pricing with only $0.027/GB.
Despite Google's Persistent SSD delivers performance close to Oracle's Block volume, the last one, by its low price, proposes the best value in the Hyperscaler market.
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Pricing for 1TB of SSD Block Storage