AWS New I/O optimized I4i - IOPS

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I/O Per Seconds is one of the most used value to evaluate the performance of a volume, raw SSD, magnetic or Block Storage. The average and maximum IOPS gives a good preview of what will be the speed of a database or any disk-intensive task.

To measure IOPS, we use the well known tool Flexible I/O Tester (FIO) the following configuration:

  • 4KB blocks
  • Random access
  • Read then Write
  • Direct access to device without filesystems
  • libaio engine
  • Number of job equal to CPU
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  • With the chosen sizes, i3 and i4i propose quite the same level of performance with read operations. i4i has a boost of 40 KIOPS in write.
  • The i3en and its 7.5TB SSD gives a better rate than i3 in write but lower in read.