CloudSigma Preview 2020 - Geekbench

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Geekbench 5 is a standard benchmark suite aiming to create a score from different system performance. From its outputs, we capture:

  • Single score: CPU performance
  • Multi score: Whole system performance

The CloudSigma's MHz allocation system is clearly visible with a CPU performance benchmark, the capabilities of each single vCPU is limit at 2GHz. This results in a lower single CPU performance but a higher capacity to scale: Where AWS and Digital Ocean scale up around +30%, CloudSigma goes up to 60%

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In Cloud environment, multi-tasking can be be easily enhanced at the price of CPUs. The CloudSigma's default compute unit is one of the less expensive in the market, so users can easily scale at a low cost and with among the best price/performance value as viewable in the next section.