G-Core Labs vs EC2

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G-Core Labs vs EC2
Compute IaaS Virtual Machine Performance Price

In this project we compare the latest main AWS' VMs against their G-Core Labs equivalent. We tested and expose different aspects of performance, CPU, Network bandwidth and Storage IOPS.

Among the new AWS' series suffixed by a "i", we selected the m6i General Purpose, c6i Compute Optimized and r6i Memory Optimized equipped with Intel Icelakes. For G-Core the G1 series has been selected. The matching between AWS and G-Core can be understand as following:

AWS G-Core Labs
M6i g1-standard-8-32
C6i g1-standard-8-16
R6i g1-memory-8-64
* g1-cpu-8-8
*: AWS doesn't have an equivalent