OVHCloud High performance Object Storage benchmark
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Object-Storage Benchmark Performance Price
In this beginning of 2022, OVHcloud released their new generation of Object Storage simply called High Performance Storage. Since the early stage of their public Cloud offering, a classical combination of Ceph was served via the OpenStack Swiift API or S3-compatible enpoints. To renew this aging service, OVHcloud aimed high and acquired OpenIO, a company author of an eponym Object Storage solution powered by an artificial intelligence
OVHcloud commissionned Cloud Mercato for an evaluation of their storage platform against their main competitors in a context of performance and price. This project gathers the observations Mercato did and displays the performance under different scenarios:
- Backup: Large files uploading
- Big Data: Large files downloading
- Big Data Mutipart: Large files downloading with multiple parallel connections
- Document AB: Medium files downloading
- Website AB: Small files downloading
- Video Streaming: Broadcasting to several client