Scaleway NVIDIA H100 Performance evaluation - Whisper

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Whisper is a speech recognition model mainly used for its text-to-speech ability. To standardize our test suite, we created whisper-benchmark, a command line tool handling free audio sample and timing the text-to-speech through different models.

Like Ollama, different sizes and kinds of model exist:

  • Tiny: 39 millions of parameters in 1GB of VRAM
  • Base: 74M in 1GB
  • Small: 244M in 2GB
  • Medium: 769M in 5GB
  • Large: 1550M in 10GB

The bigger the model, the better its accuracy but the lower its speed.

Here's an example of command line:

$ whisper-benchmark en-male-1 --model-name tiny
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Cloud Mercato's observation

  • The H100 always leads the performance ranking
  • The Base model on H100 is faster than the Tiny on any other GPU