AWS vs Azure vs Google vs IBM vs Oracle - VMs Q2 2023 - Instance Pricing

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Despite Cloud Computing is sold through flexibility of cost, it's not appropriated to compare products only via the hourly billing. Where hyperscalers tend to propose very long term options up to 5 years, the average CSP propose a discount for a monthly sustainaible usage.

The graphs below helps to estimate the discount offered by the long term options. Still organized with the 4 categories, each line represent the price of a VM along the options and, of couse, are decreasing values.

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"price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.478, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 1, "y": 0.3822205479452055, "name": "Monthly", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "monthly", "price": 279.021, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 2, "y": 0.315, "name": "Yearly no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly1_noupfront", "price": 0.315, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 3, "y": 0.315, "name": "Yearly no upfront as 2 years no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly1_noupfront", "price": 0.315, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } }, { "x": 4, "y": 0.225, "name": "3 years no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly3_noupfront", "price": 0.225, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 } ], "color": "#55b400", "lineWidth": 6, "marker": { "radius": 6 } }, { "name": "Google Frankfurt n2-standard-8 Intel Cascade Lake", "data": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0.5, "name": "Hourly", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.5, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 1, "y": 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0.315, "name": "Yearly no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly1_noupfront", "price": 0.315, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 3, "y": 0.315, "name": "Yearly no upfront as 2 years no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly1_noupfront", "price": 0.315, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } }, { "x": 4, "y": 0.225, "name": "3 years no upfront", "provider": "Google", "price_key": "yearly3_noupfront", "price": 0.225, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 } ], "color": "#55b400", "lineWidth": 6, "marker": { "radius": 6 } }, { "name": "IBM Frankfurt bx2-8x32", "data": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0.357, "name": "Hourly", "provider": "IBM", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.357, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 1, "y": 0.32156986301369866, "name": "Monthly", "provider": "IBM", "price_key": "monthly", "price": 234.746, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 2, "y": 0.32156986301369866, "name": "Monthly as Yearly no upfront", "provider": "IBM", "price_key": "monthly", "price": 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"price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.128, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } }, { "x": 3, "y": 0.128, "name": "Hourly as 2 years no upfront", "provider": "Oracle", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.128, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } }, { "x": 4, "y": 0.128, "name": "Hourly as 3 years no upfront", "provider": "Oracle", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.128, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } } ], "color": "#FF0000", "lineWidth": 6, "marker": { "radius": 6 } }, { "name": "Oracle eu-frankfurt-1 VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-32", "data": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0.148, "name": "Hourly", "provider": "Oracle", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.148, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0 }, { "x": 1, "y": 0.148, "name": "Hourly as Monthly", "provider": "Oracle", "price_key": "hourly", "price": 0.148, "fee": 0.0, "rate": 1.0, "marker": { "enabled": false } }, { "x": 2, "y": 0.148, "name": "Hourly as Yearly no upfront", "provider": "Oracle", "price_key": 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