State of the art of European IaaS - Q3 2021 - Block Storage IOPS
Go back to listI/O Per Seconds is one of the most used value to evaluate the performance of a volume, raw SSD, magnetic or Block Storage. The average and maximum IOPS gives a good preview of what will be the speed of a database or any disk-intensive task.
To measure IOPS, we use the well known tool Flexible I/O Tester (FIO) the following configuration:
- 4KB blocks
- Random access
- Read then Write
- Direct access to device without filesystems
- libaio engine
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"name": "Amazon Web Services c5.2xlarge GP3 16000 IOPS",
"verbose": "Amazon Web Services c5.2xlarge GP3 16000 IOPS Read",
"data": [
"x": 0,
"y": 16503.75,
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Amazon Web Services c5.2xlarge GP3 16000 IOPS",
"verbose": "Amazon Web Services c5.2xlarge GP3 16000 IOPS Write",
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"x": 0,
"y": 16505.222222222223,
"verbose": 16505.222222222223
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"name": "Aruba Cloud 8CPU 16GB VMware Pro Volume",
"verbose": "Aruba Cloud 8CPU 16GB VMware Pro Volume Read",
"data": [
"x": 1,
"y": 124808.5,
"verbose": 124808.5
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Aruba Cloud 8CPU 16GB VMware Pro Volume",
"verbose": "Aruba Cloud 8CPU 16GB VMware Pro Volume Write",
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"y": 665.2,
"verbose": 665.2
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"name": "Cleura b.8c16gb default",
"verbose": "Cleura b.8c16gb default Read",
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"x": 2,
"y": 8010.8,
"verbose": 8010.8
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Cleura b.8c16gb default",
"verbose": "Cleura b.8c16gb default Write",
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"y": 7668.6,
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"name": "CloudFerro eo2a.2xlarge SSD",
"verbose": "CloudFerro eo2a.2xlarge SSD Read",
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"x": 3,
"y": 37091.4,
"verbose": 37091.4
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"name": "CloudFerro eo2a.2xlarge SSD",
"verbose": "CloudFerro eo2a.2xlarge SSD Write",
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"y": 9539.888888888889,
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"name": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage",
"verbose": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage Read",
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"y": 7781.6,
"verbose": 7781.6
"color": "rgba(5, 127, 255, 0.8)",
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"name": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage",
"verbose": "DigitalOcean C 8 Block Storage Write",
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"y": 7772.875,
"verbose": 7772.875
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"name": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu Cpu-extra-large 16gb 8cpu root volume",
"verbose": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu Cpu-extra-large 16gb 8cpu root volume Read",
"data": [
"x": 5,
"y": 268589.6,
"verbose": 268589.6
"color": "rgba(210, 0, 0, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu Cpu-extra-large 16gb 8cpu root volume",
"verbose": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu Cpu-extra-large 16gb 8cpu root volume Write",
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"y": 8802.2,
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"name": "Fuga Cloud s3.xlarge fast",
"verbose": "Fuga Cloud s3.xlarge fast Read",
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"x": 6,
"y": 10031.5,
"verbose": 10031.5
"color": "rgba(36, 47, 75, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Fuga Cloud s3.xlarge fast",
"verbose": "Fuga Cloud s3.xlarge fast Write",
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"y": 4689.8,
"verbose": 4689.8
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"name": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 SSD High IOPS",
"verbose": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 SSD High IOPS Read",
"data": [
"x": 7,
"y": 26366.0,
"verbose": 26366.0
"color": "rgba(245, 88, 15, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 SSD High IOPS",
"verbose": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 SSD High IOPS Write",
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"y": 12180.5,
"verbose": 12180.5
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"name": "Google Cloud Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake SSD Persistent Disk",
"verbose": "Google Cloud Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake SSD Persistent Disk Read",
"data": [
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"y": 13353.555555555555,
"verbose": 13353.555555555555
"color": "rgba(85, 180, 0, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Google Cloud Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake SSD Persistent Disk",
"verbose": "Google Cloud Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake SSD Persistent Disk Write",
"data": [
"x": 8,
"y": 13350.555555555555,
"verbose": 13350.555555555555
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"color": "#9e9fa3",
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"name": "Hetzner CPX41 Volume",
"verbose": "Hetzner CPX41 Volume Read",
"data": [
"x": 9,
"y": 5233.5,
"verbose": 5233.5
"color": "rgba(213, 9, 45, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Hetzner CPX41 Volume",
"verbose": "Hetzner CPX41 Volume Write",
"data": [
"x": 9,
"y": 5233.5,
"verbose": 5233.5
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
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"dataLabels": {
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"name": "IBM Cloud cx2-8x16 General Purpose",
"verbose": "IBM Cloud cx2-8x16 General Purpose Read",
"data": [
"x": 10,
"y": 3097.0,
"verbose": 3097.0
"color": "rgba(21, 41, 53, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "IBM Cloud cx2-8x16 General Purpose",
"verbose": "IBM Cloud cx2-8x16 General Purpose Write",
"data": [
"x": 10,
"y": 2398.4,
"verbose": 2398.4
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
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"name": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake SSD Standard",
"verbose": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake SSD Standard Read",
"data": [
"x": 11,
"y": 15967.25,
"verbose": 15967.25
"color": "rgba(19, 64, 148, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake SSD Standard",
"verbose": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake SSD Standard Write",
"data": [
"x": 11,
"y": 12037.0,
"verbose": 12037.0
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"color": "#9e9fa3",
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"name": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Cloud Block Storage",
"verbose": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Cloud Block Storage Read",
"data": [
"x": 12,
"y": 244365.6,
"verbose": 244365.6
"color": "rgba(51, 124, 142, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Cloud Block Storage",
"verbose": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Cloud Block Storage Write",
"data": [
"x": 12,
"y": 8783.3,
"verbose": 8783.3
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
"yAxis": 1,
"dataLabels": {
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"name": "Katapult ROCK-24 100k",
"verbose": "Katapult ROCK-24 100k Read",
"data": [
"x": 13,
"y": 98202.15,
"verbose": 98202.15
"color": "rgba(42, 136, 219, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Katapult ROCK-24 100k",
"verbose": "Katapult ROCK-24 100k Write",
"data": [
"x": 13,
"y": 76973.25,
"verbose": 76973.25
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
"yAxis": 1,
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"name": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Block storage",
"verbose": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Block storage Read",
"data": [
"x": 14,
"y": 85704.2,
"verbose": 85704.2
"color": "rgba(0, 182, 76, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Block storage",
"verbose": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Block storage Write",
"data": [
"x": 14,
"y": 77765.6,
"verbose": 77765.6
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
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"name": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F8s_v2 No cache Premium LRS",
"verbose": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F8s_v2 No cache Premium LRS Read",
"data": [
"x": 15,
"y": 3021.5555555555557,
"verbose": 3021.5555555555557
"color": "rgba(85, 179, 255, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F8s_v2 No cache Premium LRS",
"verbose": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F8s_v2 No cache Premium LRS Write",
"data": [
"x": 15,
"y": 3409.375,
"verbose": 3409.375
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"color": "#9e9fa3",
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"name": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed",
"verbose": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Read",
"data": [
"x": 16,
"y": 3059.5,
"verbose": 3059.5
"color": "rgba(72, 72, 72, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed",
"verbose": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Write",
"data": [
"x": 16,
"y": 3041.0,
"verbose": 3041.0
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
"yAxis": 1,
"dataLabels": {
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"name": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Gen2",
"verbose": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Gen2 Read",
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"x": 17,
"y": 12040.0,
"verbose": 12040.0
"color": "rgba(72, 72, 72, 0.8)",
"zIndex": 10
"name": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Gen2",
"verbose": "OVHcloud C2-30 High speed Gen2 Write",
"data": [
"x": 17,
"y": 11898.9,
"verbose": 11898.9
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"name": "Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Balanced 10",
"verbose": "Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Balanced 10 Read",
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"y": 24673.0,
"verbose": 24673.0
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Balanced 10",
"verbose": "Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Balanced 10 Write",
"data": [
"x": 18,
"y": 24582.125,
"verbose": 24582.125
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"color": "#9e9fa3",
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"name": "Orange Business c6.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O",
"verbose": "Orange Business c6.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O Read",
"data": [
"x": 19,
"y": 22234.0,
"verbose": 22234.0
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Orange Business c6.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O",
"verbose": "Orange Business c6.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O Write",
"data": [
"x": 19,
"y": 22160.3,
"verbose": 22160.3
"pointPlacement": 0.1,
"color": "#9e9fa3",
"linkedTo": ":previous",
"yAxis": 1,
"dataLabels": {
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"name": "Scaleway GP1-S Block storage SSD",
"verbose": "Scaleway GP1-S Block storage SSD Read",
"data": [
"x": 20,
"y": 5155.153846153846,
"verbose": 5155.153846153846
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"zIndex": 10
"name": "Scaleway GP1-S Block storage SSD",
"verbose": "Scaleway GP1-S Block storage SSD Write",
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"x": 20,
"y": 4064.6315789473683,
"verbose": 4064.6315789473683
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"name": "T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud s3.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O",
"verbose": "T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud s3.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O Read",
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"y": 21715.736842105263,
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"verbose": "T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud s3.2xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O Write",
"data": [
"x": 21,
"y": 21747.941176470587,
"verbose": 21747.941176470587
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"name": "Tencent Cloud C3.2XLARGE16 Premium Cloud Storage",
"verbose": "Tencent Cloud C3.2XLARGE16 Premium Cloud Storage Read",
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"verbose": 5112.25
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"name": "Tencent Cloud C3.2XLARGE16 Premium Cloud Storage",
"verbose": "Tencent Cloud C3.2XLARGE16 Premium Cloud Storage Write",
"data": [
"x": 22,
"y": 5129.0,
"verbose": 5129.0
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"name": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB MaxIOPS",
"verbose": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB MaxIOPS Read",
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"color": "rgba(139, 0, 255, 0.8)",
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"name": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB MaxIOPS",
"verbose": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB MaxIOPS Write",
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"y": 5098.1,
"verbose": 5098.1
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