State of the art of European IaaS - Q3 2021 - sysbench RAM

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sysbench RAM is the micro-benchmark part of the sysbench command line. Its goal is to stress volatile memory in write or read access and report performance as MB/sec

Our goal is not to reach the maximum bandwidth, so our configuration uses the default 1KB block, a number of thread equal to the CPU and read then write access. Below, you'll find an example of configuration

sysbench --threads=$cpu_number --time=60 memory --memory-oper=$access run
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Cpu Read", "data": [ { "x": 6, "y": 8750.286, "verbose": 8750.286 } ], "color": "rgba(210, 0, 0, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu", "verbose": "Exoscale Extra-large Cpu Write", "data": [ { "x": 6, "y": 3307.3520000000003, "verbose": 3307.3520000000003 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Fuga s3.xlarge", "verbose": "Fuga s3.xlarge Read", "data": [ { "x": 7, "y": 6624.123, "verbose": 6624.123 } ], "color": "rgba(36, 47, 75, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Fuga s3.xlarge", "verbose": "Fuga s3.xlarge Write", "data": [ { "x": 7, "y": 2323.225, "verbose": 2323.225 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16", "verbose": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 Read", "data": [ { "x": 8, "y": 13532.51, "verbose": 13532.51 } ], "color": "rgba(245, 88, 15, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16", "verbose": "G-Core g1-standard-8-16 Write", "data": [ { "x": 8, "y": 5911.5779999999995, "verbose": 5911.5779999999995 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Google Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake", "verbose": "Google Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake Read", "data": [ { "x": 9, "y": 18926.368, "verbose": 18926.368 } ], "color": "rgba(85, 180, 0, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Google Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake", "verbose": "Google Custom N2 8 vCPU 16GB Intel Cascade Lake Write", "data": [ { "x": 9, "y": 7887.585000000001, "verbose": 7887.585000000001 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": 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Skylake Read", "data": [ { "x": 12, "y": 19861.038, "verbose": 19861.038 } ], "color": "rgba(19, 64, 148, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake", "verbose": "IONOS Dedicated 4Core 16GB Intel Skylake Write", "data": [ { "x": 12, "y": 8259.211, "verbose": 8259.211 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB", "verbose": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Read", "data": [ { "x": 13, "y": 13434.264000000001, "verbose": 13434.264000000001 } ], "color": "rgba(51, 124, 142, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB", "verbose": "Kamatera 8ACPU 16.0GB Write", "data": [ { "x": 13, "y": 6162.465, "verbose": 6162.465 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Katapult ROCK-24", "verbose": "Katapult ROCK-24 Read", "data": [ { "x": 14, "y": 11630.559, "verbose": 11630.559 } ], "color": "rgba(42, 136, 219, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Katapult ROCK-24", "verbose": "Katapult ROCK-24 Write", "data": [ { "x": 14, "y": 4897.219, "verbose": 4897.219 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Linode Dedicated 16GB", "verbose": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Read", "data": [ { "x": 15, "y": 14949.735, "verbose": 14949.735 } ], "color": "rgba(0, 182, 76, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Linode Dedicated 16GB", "verbose": "Linode Dedicated 16GB Write", "data": [ { "x": 15, "y": 5411.461, "verbose": 5411.461 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "OBS c6.2xlarge.2", "verbose": "OBS c6.2xlarge.2 Read", "data": [ { "x": 16, "y": 13370.410999999998, "verbose": 13370.410999999998 } ], "color": "rgba(250, 102, 0, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "OBS c6.2xlarge.2", "verbose": "OBS c6.2xlarge.2 Write", "data": [ { "x": 16, "y": 6132.351000000001, "verbose": 6132.351000000001 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "OTC s3.2xlarge.2", "verbose": "OTC s3.2xlarge.2 Read", "data": [ { "x": 17, "y": 13294.1885, "verbose": 13294.1885 } ], "color": "rgba(209, 0, 108, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "OTC s3.2xlarge.2", "verbose": "OTC s3.2xlarge.2 Write", "data": [ { "x": 17, "y": 5930.469, "verbose": 5930.469 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "OVH C2-30", "verbose": "OVH C2-30 Read", "data": [ { "x": 18, "y": 9775.937, "verbose": 9775.937 } ], "color": "rgba(72, 72, 72, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "OVH C2-30", "verbose": "OVH C2-30 Write", "data": [ { "x": 18, "y": 4050.9824999999996, "verbose": 4050.9824999999996 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Oracle VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16", "verbose": "Oracle VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Read", "data": [ { "x": 19, "y": 20075.946, "verbose": 20075.946 } ], "color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Oracle VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16", "verbose": "Oracle VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4-16 Write", "data": [ { "x": 19, "y": 9080.552, "verbose": 9080.552 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Scaleway GP1-S", "verbose": "Scaleway GP1-S Read", "data": [ { "x": 20, "y": 7839.9259999999995, "verbose": 7839.9259999999995 } ], "color": "rgba(81, 0, 153, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Scaleway GP1-S", "verbose": "Scaleway GP1-S Write", "data": [ { "x": 20, "y": 2869.911, "verbose": 2869.911 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Tencent C3.2XLARGE16", "verbose": "Tencent C3.2XLARGE16 Read", "data": [ { "x": 21, "y": 19038.8, "verbose": 19038.8 } ], "color": "rgba(4, 195, 220, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Tencent C3.2XLARGE16", "verbose": "Tencent C3.2XLARGE16 Write", "data": [ { "x": 21, "y": 7005.62, "verbose": 7005.62 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB", "verbose": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB Read", "data": [ { "x": 22, "y": 8823.448, "verbose": 8823.448 } ], "color": "rgba(139, 0, 255, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB", "verbose": "UpCloud Custom 8xCPU-16GB Write", "data": [ { "x": 22, "y": 3769.704, "verbose": 3769.704 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "VEXXHOST v3-standard-8", "verbose": "VEXXHOST v3-standard-8 Read", "data": [ { "x": 23, "y": 5312.536999999999, "verbose": 5312.536999999999 } ], "color": "rgba(101, 54, 255, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "VEXXHOST v3-standard-8", "verbose": "VEXXHOST v3-standard-8 Write", "data": [ { "x": 23, "y": 1766.252, "verbose": 1766.252 } ], "pointPlacement": 0.1, "color": "#9e9fa3", "linkedTo": ":previous", "yAxis": 1, "dataLabels": { "enabled": false, "style": { "textAlign": "left" } } }, { "name": "Vultr 8CPU 32GB VC2 640GB NVMe", "verbose": "Vultr 8CPU 32GB VC2 640GB NVMe Read", "data": [ { "x": 24, "y": 13270.999, "verbose": 13270.999 } ], "color": "rgba(58, 177, 242, 0.8)", "zIndex": 10 }, { "name": "Vultr 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