State of the art of Public Object Storage Europe - Conclusion

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From the testing in the different scenarii, we can assert that performance are very heterogeneous and depend of users' workloads. Our main metrics, request/sec and MB/sec, vary according to object size and the access mode (read or write) making each product really different to each other.

From our observations, we guess several performance profiles:

  • Hyperscalers are able to deliver a combination of high level of request/sec and bandwidth
  • Object Storage only offer very low pricing
  • Market average have a generally propose lower up to equal performance than hyperscalers, but with price advantage.
  • Google Cloud delivers a very high bandwidth
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Pricing is also a domain where solutions aren't equal and despite the idea that Object Storage is mainly billed by the amount of GigaBytes stored, other factors design the final cost of a consumption. Here's the main ones:

  • Storage
  • Requests
  • Traffic
  • Subscription

The chart below depicts a price estimation for month consumption of 15TB of storage, 10TB of traffic and 100M of requests. We retains the following price profiles:

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