State of the art of Public Object Storage Europe - cURL

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libcurl is an open source library considered as a swiss knife for various layer 7 communication protocols. By using it, we aim to collect the Time-To-First-Byte (TTFB) and the different timings inherent to a HTTPs connection.

Each provider has been tested by launching isolated HTTPS requests on 512KB objects. Here's an example of output:

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  • DNS: Time taken by client to translate domain name to IP. This value is entirely dependent of the client and and its DNS server. Object Storages aren't involved.
  • TCP: Time taken for TCP/IP handshake. Layer 4 communication linking client and Object Storage's endpoint
  • SSL: Time taken for SSL negociation. Layer 5 protocol encrypting communication between client and Object Storage.
  • Wait: Time taken for HTTP negociation. Generally close to null.
  • Wait bytes: Time before the first data byte is received by client. It represents the time for the Object Storage to retrieve the file and start to send it.