State of the art of European IaaS Compute - Q2 2022 - Block Storage IOPS

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mean std
readwrite Read Write Read Write
provider_name flavor_name volume_type_name
3DS Outscale c5.4xlarge Performance GP2 12038 11485 1 1027
Alibaba Cloud ecs.c7.4xlarge ESSD PL1 172785 172785 21 21
Amazon Web Services c6a.4xlarge GP3 16000 IOPS 66123 66126 32 39
CloudFerro eo2a.3xlarge SSD 103443 3910 5423 2552
DigitalOcean C 16 Block Storage 35824 18433 4366 12750
Exoscale Titan Titan 128gb 16cpu root volume 755743 31959 8975 6509
G-Core g1-standard-16-32 SSD High IOPS 36103 5417 11 2782
Google Cloud Custom N2 16 vCPU 32GB Intel Cascade Lake SSD Persistent Disk 103554 103354 905 713
Hetzner CPX51 Volume 25966 11234 4543 5901
IONOS 8cores 32GB Intel Skylake SSD Premium 180543 119817 15 1518
Kamatera 16ACPU 32.0GB Cloud Block Storage 761073 18973 26186 6476
Linode Dedicated 32GB Block storage 502333 455654 24807 24307
Microsoft Azure Standard_D16s_v5 No cache Premium LRS 20641 20723 213 9
OVHcloud B2-60 High speed Gen2 73349 33755 2832 15871
Oracle Cloud VM.Standard.E4.Flex.8-32 Balanced 10 102848 99016 1491 3453
Orange Business c6.4xlarge.2 Ultra-High I/O 169888 169830 1018 919
Scaleway PRO2-M Block storage SSD 20605 20465 52 20
T-Systems Open Telekom Cloud c4.4xlarge.4 Ultra-High I/O 133907 133839 631 891
Tencent Cloud C3.4XLARGE32 Premium Cloud Storage 24708 24736 135 44
UpCloud Custom 16xCPU-32GB MaxIOPS 242377 13521 26834 2302
VEXXHOST v3-starter-16 nvme 154418 24371 25824 13148
Vultr 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe root 601686 59309 134664 10508
16CPU 64GB VC2 1280GB NVMe NVMe 30101 26228 4 6735
gridscale 16cores 32GB Rocket 401349 77244 656 8002 b1.64 Flash Storage backend 40146 5912 10 2557
infomaniak a16-ram32-disk0 CEPH_1_perf1 2008 2001 3 4