State of the art of European IaaS Compute - Q2 2022 - Local Storage IOPS
Go back to listSmall and medium Cloud providers tend to bundle their Virtual Machine with an extra volume made to store the operating system or extra data. This additionnal strorage can be either a part of of the local storage directly puggled to the hypervisor or a Block Storage given for free.
Despite the title of the section, all volume tested here are local and it's always explcitly written by the vendors. But the differenciation can be generally made by performance testing: Block Storages tend to have a maximum performance that we try to reach here and local storage easily burst at more than 80,000 IOPS.
To reach the maximum of the performance we use the same methodology that has been used for Block Storage IOPS :
- 4KB blocks
- Random access
- Read then Write
- Direct access to device without filesystems
- libaio engine
Cloud Mercato's assertions:
- Above 250,000 IOPS we have only DigitalOcean
- VEXXHOST is above than 200,000 IOPS for all categories of VMs
- Above 150,000 IOPS Vultr
- Linode, and gridscale also stand apart with more than 100,000 IOPS
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"name": "DigitalOcean M 128GB Root SSD",
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"name": "DigitalOcean S 16VCPU 64GB Root SSD",
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"name": "DigitalOcean S 16VCPU 64GB Root SSD",
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"name": "IBM Cloud vx2d-16x224 vx2d volume",
"verbose": "IBM Cloud vx2d-16x224 vx2d volume Read",
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"y": 96844.83333333333,
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"verbose": "IBM Cloud vx2d-16x224 vx2d volume Write",
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"name": "Linode Dedicated 32GB g6-dedicated-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Dedicated 32GB g6-dedicated-16 root Read",
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"y": 144730.6,
"verbose": 144730.6
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"name": "Linode Dedicated 32GB g6-dedicated-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Dedicated 32GB g6-dedicated-16 root Write",
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"name": "Linode Linode 300GB g7-highmem-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Linode 300GB g7-highmem-16 root Read",
"data": [
"x": 10,
"y": 110177.3,
"verbose": 110177.3
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"name": "Linode Linode 300GB g7-highmem-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Linode 300GB g7-highmem-16 root Write",
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"name": "Linode Linode 64GB g6-standard-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Linode 64GB g6-standard-16 root Read",
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"y": 120272.1,
"verbose": 120272.1
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"name": "Linode Linode 64GB g6-standard-16 root",
"verbose": "Linode Linode 64GB g6-standard-16 root Write",
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"name": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F16s_v2 Standard_F16s_v2 local disk",
"verbose": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F16s_v2 Standard_F16s_v2 local disk Read",
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"y": 31645.0,
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"name": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F16s_v2 Standard_F16s_v2 local disk",
"verbose": "Microsoft Azure Standard_F16s_v2 Standard_F16s_v2 local disk Write",
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"y": 3508.2,
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"name": " 16cores 64GB 100GB Standard root",
"verbose": " 16cores 64GB 100GB Standard root Read",
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"name": " 16cores 64GB 100GB Standard root",
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"name": "OVHcloud B2-60 Root local SSD",
"verbose": "OVHcloud B2-60 Root local SSD Read",
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"y": 80262.33333333333,
"verbose": 80262.33333333333
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"name": "OVHcloud B2-60 Root local SSD",
"verbose": "OVHcloud B2-60 Root local SSD Write",
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"name": "OVHcloud R2-240 Root local SSD",
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"name": "OVHcloud R2-240 Root local SSD",
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"name": "VEXXHOST v3-standard-16 Local root SSD v3",
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"name": "Vultr 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe root",
"verbose": "Vultr 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe 16CPU 128GB VOC-M 800GB NVMe root Read",
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