State of the art of European IaaS Compute - Q2 2022 - sysbench RAM

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sysbench RAM is micro-benchmark part of the sysbench command line. Its goal is to stress volatile memory in write or read access and report performance as MB/sec

Our goal is not to reach the maximum bandwidth, so our configuration uses the default 1KB block, a number of thread equal to the CPU and read then write access. Below, you'll find an example of configuration

sysbench --threads=$cpu_number --time=60 memory --memory-oper=$access run

Cloud Mercato's assertions:

Among the best RAM manager we found:

  • AWS accross all their flavors but more especially with AMD chips
  • Oracle Cloud also outperforms the crowd in all VM categories
  • Followed by Microsoft Azure, except the old F2, and Alibaba Cloud.
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